The Six Thinking Hats Technique For Problem Solving
1. 首先以白帽思考模式:Brix-Card 透過6種顏色的自繪圖卡,更具體、更有效地實現六帽思考的運用,了解更多有關Brix-Card的介紹與應用,請到 創意實現 Brix-Card。
a. 對於這個問題,我有什麼資訊?
b. 這些資訊告訴了我什麼?
c. 我缺什麼資訊?
d. 我還需要什麼資訊?
e. 我如何取得這資訊?
2. 紅帽思考模式:
a. 我不覺得那點子行得通
b. 我覺得這樣做可行
c. 我直覺這產品的需求會下滑
3. 黃帽思考模式:即使在很糟糕的狀況下也要繼續前進!
4. 黑帽思考模式-黃帽思考模式的反面:
a. 強迫你往負面想
b. B計畫(備案)
5. 綠帽思考模式:
a. 有什麼新方法我可以做的?
b. 從這問題的反向做思考,如何?
c. 有什麼備案選項我還沒考慮到的嗎?
d. 跳出框架思考
6. 藍帽思考模式-流程控管
1. White hat
a. What information do I have about the issue?
b. What does it tell me?
c. What information do I lack?
d. What information would I like to have?
e. How am I going to get it?
2. Red hat
a. I just don’t think that idea will work.
b. I have a good feeling about doing it this way.
c. I’ve got a hunch that demand for this product is about to fall.
3. Yellow hat
Keep you on going even the situation is tough.
4. Black hat – flip side of yellow hat
a. Force you to think negatively
b. Plan B
5. Green hat
a. Is there a new way I could do this?
b. What about approaching the issue from the opposite viewpoint?
c. Are there alternatives I haven’t yet considered?
d. Think outside the box.
6. Blue hat – process control
Stay in control of decision making process.